1 Old HSK word(s): ** C

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

a white horse with black mane / a camel
a camel / humpbacked / to carry on the back

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + a camel / humpbacked / to carry on the back Horse 它 (ES) tuo2 +

Ablaufberg (Rangierbahnhof) [tuo2 feng1] 驼峰
Alpakawolle (S) [yang2 tuo2] 羊驼
AltweltkameleKamel (S) [luo4 tuo5] 骆驼
Buckeliger (S)buckelig (Adj) [tuo2 bei4] 驼背
Buckelwale (S) [tuo2 bei4 jing1] 驼背鲸
Bucklige (S) [tuo2 bei4 de5 ren2] 驼背的人
Dromedar (S) [dan1 feng1 luo4 tuo2] 单峰骆驼
Elch (S) [tuo2 lu4] 驼鹿
Giraffe (S, Bio) [tuo2 bao4] 驼豹
Kamel (S)Buckelige (S) [tuo2]
kamelfarben (S)RGB-Code #A16B47 [tuo2 se4] 驼色
Kamelhaar (S) [luo4 tuo5 mao2] 骆驼毛
Kamelhaar (S) [tuo2 rong2] 驼绒
Kamelkarawane, Karawane (S) [luo4 tuo5 dui4] 骆驼队
Kameltreiber (S) [luo4 tuo5 fu1] 骆驼夫
Kameltreiber (S) [luo4 tuo5 qi2 bing1] 骆驼骑兵
Lama (S, Bio) [tuo2 ma3] 驼马
Lama (S, Bio) [wu2 feng1 luo4 tuo2] 无峰骆驼
Lokomobile _n, Dampfmaschine (S) [guo1 tuo2 ji1] 锅驼机
Maultiersänfte (S) [tuo2 jiao4] 驼轿
The Hump [tuo2 feng1 hang2 xian4] 驼峰航线
Titel einer Novelle von Lao She 老舍 (PCRII-49) [luo4 tuo5 xiang2 zi5] 骆驼祥子
Trampeltier (S) [shuang1 feng1 luo4 tuo5] 双峰骆驼
Vikunja [mei3 zhou1 tuo2] 美洲驼
Vogel Strauß (S, Bio) [tuo2 niao3] 驼鸟